What is Myopia? What is the progression? A lengthening of the eye and progressive loss of distance vision, often to where the Big E (on the eye chart) is no longer visible. Read More
What age does it begin and when does it stop progressing? Often beginning at 6-8 and can progress beyond the 20s.
Why is the progression of Myopia a health concern? Myopia increase stretches the eye and the retina, increasing the risk of retinal detachment, cataracts, and loss of vision beyond 20/400, the Big E.
What causes myopia and what causes it to progress? Close focusing and reading, particularly at very young ages, as well as the increase in the use of electronic devices. Also, myopia seems to progress faster with eyeglass than with soft contact lenses, slower yet with multifocal soft lenses, and least of all with OK (orthokeratology) night retainers. Read More
At what age should you start controlling the progression of Myopia? As soon as it is discovered. One is never too young or too old to get serious about controlling myopia, and saving one’s vision
What are the methods of Myopia Control? The two main methods are Multifocal Soft Lenses and Orthokeratology Night Retainers
What are the benefits of each one? Multifocal Soft Lenses are an attempt to stop the progression where it is but do not improve vision. Orthokeratology Lenses restore vision as well as stop the progression. Read More
What method do you recommend and why? I recommend Ortho K because it allows kids/people to function without any contacts or glasses during the day which is a huge advantage. Read More
What age is recommended for Ortho K/Contact Lenses? Kids between 6+8 can usually wear a night retainer easily with a parent helping by applying the lenses for the child. There is no upper limit, they can also help later in life when bifocals are needed.
My child is too young for Contact lenses, should they wait to begin myopia control? Absolutely not, never too young, should not wait. We can usually bring the vision back from 20/400 vision loss, it is more difficult above 400. If the vision loss in one year is from 20/100 to 200 or 300, we want to try to control it before it reaches 400. Beyond 20/400 can still be treated, but it may not be possible to achieve 20/20 vision again.
What lifestyle changes can be made to lower the progression of Myopia? Limiting near activity, particularly for kids under 6, (may even prescribe reading glasses), and spending a couple hours outdoors every day. Read More
I have heard that Myopia is being called an epidemic. Do you think so? And if so why is the prevalence increasing so dramatically? Myopia has increased 66% in the last 30 years in Caucasians, 90% in Asians, with African Americans and Latinos not far behind. Computers, electronic devices, too much near activity are the primary causes for the dramatic increase in Myopia. Young, high achievers pay the price. Incidentally, in Asia, they are way more aggressive with Ortho K lenses, even wearing them 24-7 as soon as myopia is detected, regardless of age. Read More